The NPR host of This American Life admits he had ‘no love of radio’ when his career began
REPORTERS: Bri-Alphonso-Gibbs, Jordan Allums, Isabel Angel, Ilise Angel, Aiden Ament, Sabrina Chaffee, Dante Cokinos, C.C. Clark, Lilly Durante, Matt Geffen, Sabrina Hao, Katrina Horsey, Will Ogden, Campbell Slavin, and Mary Winnick (from Convent of the Sacred Heart, Drew, Marin Academy, Marin School of the Arts, Sir Francis Drake High, Terra Linda High, and University High Schools)
After listening to just one episode of Ira Glass’s This American Life, you’ll realize that the popular radio show and traditional journalism have little in common. Started in 1995, the NPR series has grown over the years, thanks to its unconventional approach to storytelling and reporting. Rather than coldly regurgitating headlines about international politics and economics, This American Life hones in on intimate stories of everyday people, each revealing something funny, heartbreaking, extraordinary, or a combination of all three.