Tiffany Shlain speaks about Connected - page 4

We Are All Connected
Tiffany’s new film Connected explores the idea that technology is evolving so fast and people are becoming more and more dependent on it. This is a very personal film for her and she hopes this movie will ignite a world conversation about being connected in the 21st century. The catalyst for Tiffany’s movie was a realization that she spent so much time with her electronics, that she was missing out on the real world. To counteract this, every Friday night Tiffany’s family celebrates the Sabbath and turns off all electronics for 24 hours so they can “really be present and just enjoy each other.” Tiffany is excited about the future of global connection and innovation through technology, but thinks that everyone needs an “off day” from it once in awhile. While Tiffany says she is nearly on the computer or her phone constantly, it is good to take a step back.

"...Engaging people to talk about connectedness in their own lives and in the world ... will have far reaching impact."Tiffany said, “I believe that by engaging people to talk about connectedness in their own lives and in the world, the ripple effect of these conversations will have far reaching impact.” Tiffany realizes it’s a very complex topic to dive into, but she does whatever she can to appeal to the concept that, “while the core components of humans desire to be connected have not changed since we first appeared on this planet, I believe a new zeitgeist is emerging through all these new technologies that are making our world smaller and more intertwined.” Tiffany has declared her ‘Interdependence.’ Have you?

Connected opened in theatres in New York and San Francisco on September 16th of 2011.