Tiffany makes short films about relationships between people, technology, feminism, and staying connected. Tiffany’s films include old and new film clips, quotes, photos and videos from wherever she can find them, including the web—making her a pioneer of new film concepts and ideas.
The Tribe, Connected and Brain Power. Her films range from short films to feature-length documentaries, some three minutes with others an hour or more. She’s excited by her new film, The Science of Character.
After watching the film, she asked us to critique it using the “love sandwich” method. Tiffany explained that this is an effective way to gain feedback on any project you’ve created. You begin a critique by saying something positive about what you are critiquing, then share any criticism, ending with another positive aspect. We shared our ideas about the film, especiailly liking that her film caused us to think about our positive strengths.
Tiffany always was interested in film and movies, but never anticipated she would become a filmmaker. Growing up, she had come from a long line of doctors, so becoming one had always been an implied landmark in her future. Until a teacher changed her perspective on filmmaking, Tiffany was interested in computers and technology. “I never thought I could be a filmmaker,” Shlain said. “I was told that you couldn’t make a living off of being a filmmaker. But I think that worrying about money is just an attitude. What matters is getting to do what you love.”