- What Will you Change?

FastForward reporters visit the office of the world's largest petition website

On Location: December 2013

By Joe Blair, Lizzie Chadbourne, Luca Evans, Matt Geffen, John Hassen, Katrina Horsey, Sarah Knopf, Alina Rainsford, Gloria Robinson, Eliza Ross, Sammi Siegel, Craig Smyth and Grace Weinswig – from Marin Academy, Marin School of the Arts, Mill Valley Middle, San Domenico, Sir Francis Drake High, St. Hilary, St. Isabella and Tam High Schools

Image of FastForwardWeb reporters on location at company headquarters Have you ever thought something wasn’t fair? Thought it was uncool, politically wrong, or just plain wrong? Want to make a change in the world, whether big or small? Then make a petition on the website that is dedicated to making people’s lives across the globe better:

Inside the headquarters of located in San Francisco, FastForward reporters noticed everything was clean, and all the walls were white. Well, we found the inside fitting because is a website whose passion is help people clean up the world.

As an online database, the organization, with merely 180 staff members in 18 countries, is the largest petition platform in the world, dedicated to help people from all backgrounds and lifestyles make changes they believe in.