A Giant Day...

The 2014 San Francisco Giants

SPORTS FEATURE - September 2014

By Alina Rainsford, Luca Evans, Sophia Barron, Olivia Malek, Jack Rousseau, Zoe Schulman, Adley Weschler, KC Badala, Lindsay Bell, Joe Blair, Will O’Hara and Gabby Ural. Photography and Videography by Arthur Weschler and John Hassen

Image of the FastForward reporters with San Francisco Giant Tim Lincecum Holding tightly to our press passes, we walked through the player’s entrance at AT&T Park, winding through hallways baseball legends have walked. The sun shone brightly through the small stadium opening we could see ahead. Upon entering the dugout, the towering walls of the park glistened, seeming brighter and more magnificent than ever as if calling for fans. Tunes of the Grateful Dead drifted in and out of our ears—it was Jerry Garcia Night.

AT&T Park is steeped in baseball history, with McCovey Cove and Willie Mays Plaza, and the historical artifacts that line the halls come together to create that good old-time relaxing and happy feeling of being at a baseball game. The Giants have done a remarkable job of seamlessly interweaving the rich history of the franchise with hope for the future, and we were taking it all in.