Image of a FastForward reporter wearing the Trekker backpacks “This enables people to see the amazing places around the world from both a street view and within a special collection.”

Yick explained that showcasing images of the world’s beauty not only helps educate people, but also boosts knowledge about conservation of these pristine places.

Google technology empowers people to discover new places and understand the impact of events on the natural and physical environment,” Yick said. “The benefits are really making folks aware of conservation efforts.”

After our intriguing interview with Yick, we went outside to try on one of the Trekker backpacks. A tall, green metal rectangle with a soccer ball-like metal globe on top is attached to a green backpack. Each of us took turns trying on the contraption, making for an experience of a lifetime. We were beyond excited to have had a chance to experience a company that’s constantly growing to add new places to discover and explore with the Google Trekker.